Hearts is a four player point based strategy card game in which the object is to get the LEAST amount of points. The Points: In a standard game all Hearts are worth 1 point. The Queen of Spades is worth 13 and the Jack of Diamonds is worth -10. "Shooting the Moon" is worth -26. (see Strategy). The Play: After receiving 13 cards each player selects three cards they would like to get rid of and passes them. The pass rotates to the right, to the left, and then across. Every fourth hand is a "keeper" in which, like life, you must play the cards dealt you. After the pass the player with the two of clubs begins play by leading any club (it need not be the two). The highest card of the suit led takes the trick and leads the next one. Every player must follow suit if possible. If however, you should find yourself out of the suit led you may play any card in your hand with the exception of the first trick on which no points (Hearts or the Queen of Spades) may be played. Furthermore, Hearts may not be led until one has been discarded in the course of play, i.e., broken. Play continues until there are no more cards left at which point the score for that round is tabulated and the game continues. The game is over when one player exceeds the limit set for the game. The player with the lowest score wins.